Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy

  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy

  • Biography christopher
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy and climate change
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy new york
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy and current
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy address
  • Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy new york.


    "If a living system is suffering from ill health, the remedy is to connect it with more of itself"

    Francisco Varela

    Who is Laura Mead?



    Laura Meadis a teacher of meditation and bioenergy work. As a bioenergy consultant and a certified bodywork therapist , she maintains private clinical practice in Dover, Kansas.

    Mie tek wirkus school of bioenergy and climate change

    Laura graduated from the Heartland School of Massage and has completed Master Level Training at the Wirkus School of Bioenergy under the direction of Mietek Wirkus. At his request, Laura now co-instructs workshops with Mr.

    Wirkus and was the first student of his authorized to teach the Wrikus Method of Bioenrgy. 

    She also studied in Thailand under the guidance of B. Alan Wallace and Paul Ekman and became certified as a CEB (Cultivating Emotional Balance) Meditation Instructor.

    Laura is a longtime student of B. Alan Wallace, an internationally known author, scholar and tea