Tom brown ministries controversy

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    Yesterday, ThinkProgress LGBT noted that a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identifies 27 active anti-gay hate groups, up from 17 in 2010.

    Tom brown ministries controversy

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  • Sadly, the 11 groups new to this list from last year richly deserved the dubious honor.

    They are:

    • United Families International (Gilbert, AZ): This group backed the sodomy laws ruled unconstitutional in the Lawrence v.

      Texas case and has argued “No one is ‘born that way.’ Policies that would normalize homosexuality by equating homosexual behavior with innate characteristics such as race or ethnicity should be opposed.”

    • Save California (Sacramento, CA): The group is leading the charge to repeal California’s FAIR Education Act, hoping to stop teachers from “kidnapping the brains of kids” by teaching about the contributions of LGBT Americans.

      Save California’s head, Randy Thomasson, blamed a bullied and murdered gay teen for his own death.

    • Sons of Thundr (Faith Baptist Church) (Luthersville, GA): The church’s website