Khutulun biography definitions

  • Khutulun biography definitions
  • Khutulun biography definitions

  • Khutulun biography definitions and examples
  • Khutulun biography definitions and quotes
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  • Khutulun biography definitions and quotes!

    The idea of a woman who considers no man worthy of her and sets strict conditions for suitors has led to various more or less famous creative works. However, it has a historical precedent glossed over by none other than Marco Polo in his Book of Wonders: the Mongolian princess Khutulun, an expert warrior, cousin of Kublai Khan and great-granddaughter of Genghis, who fought in battles alongside other soldiers and promised to marry only the one who could defeat her.

    This brief summary will ring a bell to any comic book enthusiast and bring to mind the character of Red Sonja, a peasant from Hyrkania who, after surviving the massacre of her family by mercenaries, receives a divine visit that grants her the strength and skill of a warrior in exchange for the promise to give herself only to the man who can defeat her in combat, meanwhile living by putting her sword at the service of the highest bidder.

    Red Sonja was created by writer Roy Thomas and artist Barry Windsor-Smith based on a