Biography morgan tsvangirai beaten

  • Biography morgan tsvangirai beaten
  • Edwin tsvangirai.

    Morgan Tsvangirai

    (b. Gutu, Zimbabwe, 10 March )

    Zimbabwean; Prime Minister – , leader Movement for Democratic Change –  The oldest of nine children of a bricklayer father, Tsvangirai left school with little formal education in order to help support his family.

    Biography morgan tsvangirai beaten

  • Biography morgan tsvangirai beaten
  • Morgan tsvangirai death
  • Edwin tsvangirai
  • Morgan tsvangirai cause of death
  • Susan tsvangirai
  • He worked in a mine in his early twenties and rose to become plant foreman at Bindura nickel mine, while being active in the Associated Mineworkers' Union. In he was elected Secretary-General of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trades Unions (ZCTU), an organization which was allied to Mugabe's ZANU-PF party.

    In and Tsvangirai led strikes protesting against high taxes imposed by Mugabe's government, leading to a split between ZCTU and ZANU-PF, and in Tsvangirai formed the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).

    In spite of significant violence, MDC mounted a serious challenge to ZANU-PF in the parliamentary elections of , taking 57 of seats.

    Prior to the presidential elections in which he planned to stand, Tsvangirai was accused of