Images of syama sastri biography
Images of syama sastri biography
Syama sastri compositions.
From: "Puduhai Sreeram" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 11:37:14 -0400
Subject: Shyama Sastri
This article was written by Y.
Bhagavati and published in The Hindu.
He sang paeans to the goddess
SYAMA SASTRI was born to Visvanatha Iyer and Vengalakshmi on April 2, 1762. He was a Tamil - speaking brahmin known as auttara vadama.
Visvanatha Iyer and his forefathers were archakas in the temple of Goddess Bangaru Kamakshi.
Syama Sastri's actual name was Venkata Subrahmanya. But he was affectionately called Syama Sastri. At the age of seven, his Upanayanam was performed.
Images of syama sastri biography in urdu
He was taught devotional songs, given sound education in Sanskrit and Telugu. He used to accompany his father to the temple. Gradually his faith in the Goddess grew. Finding his aptitude for music, his mother requested her cousins to teach him the fundamentals of music.
Within a short period, the boy became proficient in it.
When Syama Sastri was 18, his father settled down a