Lupinenprotein biography

  • Lupinenprotein biography
  • Lupinenprotein biography summary...

    Lupine (Lupinus spp.) proteins: characteristics, safety and food applications

  • Direction générale de la santé (1998) Conseil supérieur d’hygiène publique de France (section de l’alimentation et de la nutrition) relatif à l’emploi de farine de lupin en alimentation humaine (Avis du 17 mars 1998).

  • Advisory Committee on Novel Food and Processes (1996) ACNFP report on seeds from the narrow leaved lupin (Lupinus angustifolius).

    Lupinenprotein biography

  • Lupinenprotein biography
  • Lupinenprotein biography wikipedia
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  • Lupinenprotein biography pdf
  • Append IX Minist Agric Fish Food Dep Heal 107–123

  • Romeo FV, Fabroni S, Ballistreri G et al (2018) Characterization and antimicrobial activity of alkaloid extracts from seeds of different genotypes of Lupinus spp.


    Article Google Scholar

  • Yánez-Mendizábal V, Falconí CE (2018) Efficacy of Bacillus spp. to biocontrol of anthracnose and enhance plant growth on Andean lupin seeds by lipopeptide production.

    Biol Control 122:67–75.

    ArticleCAS Google Scholar