Lupinenprotein biography
Lupinenprotein biography summary...
Lupine (Lupinus spp.) proteins: characteristics, safety and food applications
Direction générale de la santé (1998) Conseil supérieur d’hygiène publique de France (section de l’alimentation et de la nutrition) relatif à l’emploi de farine de lupin en alimentation humaine (Avis du 17 mars 1998).
Advisory Committee on Novel Food and Processes (1996) ACNFP report on seeds from the narrow leaved lupin (Lupinus angustifolius).
Lupinenprotein biography
Append IX Minist Agric Fish Food Dep Heal 107–123
Romeo FV, Fabroni S, Ballistreri G et al (2018) Characterization and antimicrobial activity of alkaloid extracts from seeds of different genotypes of Lupinus spp.
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Yánez-Mendizábal V, Falconí CE (2018) Efficacy of Bacillus spp. to biocontrol of anthracnose and enhance plant growth on Andean lupin seeds by lipopeptide production.
Biol Control 122:67–75.
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