September 5 1957 dwight eisenhower biography

  • September 5 1957 dwight eisenhower biography
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    September 5 1957 dwight eisenhower biography

  • September 5 1957 dwight eisenhower biography
  • Wikipedia
  • September 5 1957 dwight eisenhower biography for kids
  • Dwight eisenhower family tree
  • What did dwight eisenhower do as president
  • Dwight d eisenhower children
  • Eisenhower Administration Significant Dates


    January 1953: Neutralization of Formosa by Seventh Fleet ended.

    March 5, 1953: Death of Josef Stalin, Premier of the Soviet Union.

    March 12, 1953: The Department of Health, Education and Welfare is created.

    April 22, 1953: States given title to offshore oil.

    June 19, 1953: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for conspiracy to commit espionage under the U.S.

    Espionage Act of 1917.

    July 27, 1953: Korean war ended with signing of armistice at Panmunjon calling for demilitarized zone and voluntary repatriation of prisoners. The 38th parallel is established as boundary between North and South Korea.

    July 20, 1953:  President Eisenhower signs the Small Business Act into law creating a new agency, the U.S.

    Small Business Administration (SBA). 

    August 19-22, 1953: Leftist government of Premier Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran is ousted and replaced with regime loyal to Shah Pahlevi.

    Aug.-Sept. 1953: American pri