Stephen hobbs christina dodwell biography
Stephen hobbs christina dodwell biography
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Christina was born in Nigeria, West Africa, and educated in England. Her life of remarkable adventure began by chance in 1975, when she made a 20,000-mile journey round Africa by horse, camel and dug-out canoe. She followed that up with solo journeys in Papua New Guinea, China, Siberia, Madagascar, Turkey and Iran.
Christina has made 3 television films and more than 40 radio documentary programmes for BBC Radio 4 - several have received distinguished merit awards.
She has worked for the Consulate of Madagascar in London for fourteen years and in 1995 she founded The Dodwell Trust, a charity dedicated to the Third World.
Christina was awarded the Mungo Park Medal by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society in 1989.
Like Isabella Bird and Rosita Forbes, Christina demonstrates enormous courage, a keen eye for detail, an insatiable curiosity about the local people and great respect for their culture.
As Chris Bonington wrote, "Christ