Vilified in the West as the Japanese equivalent of Hitler, Hideki Tojo () was in fact cut from very different cloth. Lacking the skills and charisma of a statesman, fueled by no apocalyptic visions, Tojo was an unimaginative soldier whose primary goals were to establish Japan's military.
Influential Japanese pop artist, Keiichi Tanaami (21 July - 9 August ) began drawing at an early age and was heavily influenced by the end of World War II and post-war Tokyo. Eventually, he went on to study at Musashino Art University where he quickly gained attention and was awarded a Special Selection by the illustration and design.
Work in astronomy Kepler sought the job of assistant to Tycho Brahe (–), astrologer (one who interprets the positions of stars and planets and their effect on human affairs) and mathematician to Rudolph II (–), in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
The riveting biography documents the career of the mogul who started out as a struggling street performer to his present status as hip-hop icon. It also explores Simmons' forays in business ventures, some outside of music, and his activism in philanthropic and political causes.
Persia Reframed: Iranian Visions of Modern and Contemporary Art is a tour de force by the curator and scholar Fereshteh Daftari, whose prolific career began in the late s. For her PhD dissertation, later published as a book, Daftari argued that Persian art served a ‘liberating.
Follow Devon Shire and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Devon Shire Author Page. Visit Author Central to update your books, profile picture, and biography.
A truly international filmmaker, Tim Burton has carved a reputation as one of the world's greatest creative directors. This stunning treasury explores the influences on his development as a.
Manute Bol. Self: Hardcore TV. Manute Bol was born on 16 October in Gogrial, Sudan. He was married to Ajok Giugwol. He died on 19 June in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
He published over 60 books during his career, which have spawned numerous adaptations, including eleven television specials, five feature films, a Broadway musical, and four television series.
Hartono Tanoesoedibjo. Komisaris. Beliau adalah warga negara Indonesia, berdomisili di Jakarta. Beliau memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik dari Universitas Trisakti pada.
Imam Khomeini's dear wife, lady Khadijeh Saqhafi, belonged to a family of clergymen. She was born in Tehran in 1913. Her late father, Ayatollah Mirza Mohammad Saqafi, who wrote the exegesis Tafsir Javan, was one of the great scholars of his time and was a student of the grand Ayatollah Hae'rri Yazdi.
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Andrew Gant—author of a new book on Handel's most famous composition—selects the five best texts for gaining an understanding of Handel's life and work, and explains why opera divas were the premiership footballers of the Baroque period.
An epic biography of a hugely talented and hugely conflicted man, The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham is the definitive account of Maugham’s extraordinary life. Read more Report an issue with this product or seller.
The book itself was fine; the characters intrigued me enough that, when I was back home in Columbus, I looked up “Wars of the Roses fiction” at the library. I borrowed the first item that came up, a nine-hundred page onionskin paperback by Sharon Kay Penman titled The Sunne in Splendour. Reader, I could not put it down.
History of development of different styles of Indian Dances has been given along with essential theoretical knowledge. Illustrations, numbering about , are detailed and profuse and show the precise movements of body-parts in clear-cut fashion.
WIN traces her origin to the calling and life example of Dr. Daisy Washburn Osborn. Dr. Daisy’s daughter, Dr. LaDonna Osborn, and Dr. Chyanna Mull-Anthony, continued Dr. Daisy’s calling by founding the Women’s International Network in