Deutsche national biography

  • Deutsche national biography
  • Deutsche national biography institute...


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    Aimsof the NDB

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    The Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB) gives concise, thoroughly prepared biographies of deceased persons who have had a significant impact on developments in politics, economics, social life, scholarship, technology or the arts.

    Deutsche national biography

  • Mahatma gandhi
  • Deutsche national biography museum
  • Deutsche national biography institute
  • Neue deutsche bibliographie
  • German library of information
  • Since many decades the NDB, with its original articles by notable authors, has been regarded as the authoritative biographical dictionary for all regions in which German is spoken and German culture is prevalent.

    The NDB covers the period from the early middle ages down to the present and is arranged alphabetically.

    Since twentyseven volumes were published, containing more than 23' biographies of individuals and families covering the alphabet from Aachen to Wettiner. The articles include detailed information on genealogy, selective lists of works by the subjects themselves and of secondary literature, and references to portraits.

    There are also